Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Little boys and toilets

I have this one little guy...he's in Kindergarten, and thanks to his genes, he's just a little guy, adorable, polite and fun to have in class. Well, he has gotten in the habit of talking (to me) while he is in the bathroom. Yesterday we had a problem with someone not making it into the toilet and he told me so while he was in there. I told them, if we can't make it in the toilet, then I was going to start going in there with them to make sure they did it right. Well, today, he goes in there and proceeds to yell at me again:

K: Miss Krause! someone peed on the side of the toilet again!

Me: Boys, we need to make sure we get it into the toilet, or watch out for messes and clean them up.

Other boys: I didn't do it! I didn't do it!

Me: well, someone did, but we need to make sure we watch what we are doing, or I will start going in with you.

K (still in bathroom): you don't have to go in with me, Miss Krause! I make sure it all goes in!

I couldn't help but chuckle at this little voice coming from the bathroom to make sure no one would go in with him because he does it right...*L*

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