Tuesday, September 11, 2007

For the second year in a row, I have a Kindergartner freaked out about nap/quiet time. And I don't mean just "I don't wanna lay down, I wanna play" I mean, freaked out about it. I think the second day he was here, he fell asleep, and for some reason, he is afraid he is going to fall asleep in school. In fact, I talked to him mom this morning and he was crying, not wanting to go to school because he didn't want to take a nap. Now, I do not force my kids to sleep, but it is merely a quiet time to relax for a bit before going on with our afternoon. Especially in the beginning, a whole day at school is a long day and it's a time to chill out for a while. They are only about 20 minutes long, 30 at the most if i notice someone fell asleep, then we get up...and goes until about December. Last year I had a girl totally freaked out about nap time. Granted, there were a few other problems with the family too, but she was totally freaked out..she would end up in great sobbing fits about it and we found an alternative for her. I have only been teaching a couple years, but this is something that totally mystifies me. We talked to the boy today and hopefully he will relax about quiet time.

1 comment:

More Than A Single Mom said...

Wow, I learned something new today. I didn't know kids freaked over the nap time thing! Hey kid, your teacher NEEDS the quiet time more than you need a nap.........