Thursday, November 29, 2007

5 reasons why I love Christmas

1. Teaching my students about the first Christmas and a special baby being born.

2. Being with my family. Every day we have with my dad is special and I pray he can enjoy Christmas with all of us together.

3. Christmas music. It should be played all year round. I also love teaching my students Christmas hymns for the Christmas Service.

4. Santa Clause. We should all be so selfless. Here is a man who risks life and limb to make sure every child in the world has a little bit of happiness with no thought as to "what's in it for me?"

5. Christmas parties. Time to spend with friends, family, coworkers, good food and mistletoe if you're lucky ;)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Good times with the bad

I was browsing an old friend's blog and came across a blog titled "Why I love Church Work
and asked the question (paraphrased) Do I only love it when things are good?

We are going through a tough time here at my church and school. Money problems that may cause our school to close very soon if we can't find a way to turn things around. To compound that, there are some people in our church who do not like the fact that there is a school here to support and resent it. They even go so far as to question "what does the school do for us?"

Very frustrating. And it gets my feather's ruffled to say the least.

Without the school, the church would have no treasurer or secretary on the church council. It wouldn't have a stewardship board, not much of a trustee board and no one to mow the lawn for free or shovel snow. We are small staff of 5 teachers, but every single one of us serves in some way other than teaching children for 8 hours every day.

I love my job. I can't imagine doing anything else. I can't always support my church monetarily as I would like, but I serve with my time as much as I can. Attitudes like I've been hearing lately really test me. How can you belong to a church and serve Christ with an attitude like that? I realize my attitude isn't all the best right now either. It definitely won't help the situation. But I'm very frustrated right now

Monday, November 26, 2007


I kinda got into a funk this weekend..feeling sorry for myself and stuff, and I just got fed up with it. I was in the middle of the grocery store and finally told myself to just "cut the crap". LOL Sounds funny, but helped me to snap out of it.

I am sick and tired of feeling guilty. I don't understand why I should feel bad for the choices I make when I eat. Food is an enjoyable thing! We live in a time and place where we have a plethora of choices and most of them taste DE-licious! I don't see why I have to feel so bad and guilty and horrible for the food I decide to put into my mouth! The majority of people in this world do not torture themselves like this, why should I?

It all comes down to choices. What to eat and how much of it, so that we can keep things in balance (or people like me who are trying to lose unwanted weight) What I want to start doing this week, is not rationalize or blow off the bad choices I make, but to find a way to give me a boost to make better choices and be happy with the choices I make and why I'm making them. It's called behavior modification. I use it on my students. Basically using positive reinforcements to change certain behaviors, rather than negative ones. I have behaviors/feelings/emotions in my head that desperately need to be changed.

Last night, I wrote down sort of an affirmation prayer, or statement if you aren't into prayer. I layed it all out on paper and I will read it each and every morning when I get up and every evening before I go to sleep If you want to know what I wrote, keep reading. It is pretty personal, but I wanted to share:

"I am a beautiful person. It doesn't matter what I look like on the outside.

I am on a journey. A journey to become a healthier person. I can do it! I can overcome obstacles. I can resist. I can say no when everything is screaming YES! Or when emotions get in the way.

I can do it

I am on a journey. I know that God is watching out for me. When the time is right, I will have the man who is meant for me. He will be all that God has planned

I can do this. I know God is watching out for me. he will take care of me.

I know that I can change these negative feelings I have. I am not a victim. I do not need to feel sorry for myself. I am strong. I do not need a boyfriend to keep me happy. My time will come - right now, it is time to prepare. "

As you can tell, I've also been dealing with feelings of being single and other feelings. I'm sure this statement will change over time if I need to deal with other issues as well.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

it's working!

but it still needs some more effort on my part!

I stepped on the scale and went down a pound! I know that I can do better! My water has been great! I've been drinking so much, it feels good! My portion control needs to be better, and I need to walk!! See my post below to see my new plan and my goals for the next month.

I am actually glad to have a goal. For the longest time, I was so scared to make a real goal for myself, and I'm not sure why. But now that I have this goal, whenever I am tempted, I remember that I want to make my goal and it's a great help! It helped me choose a kids meal at BK with juice instead of 2 cheeseburgers and large fries! And it helped me stay away from more snacks when I had already eaten my snack. Keeping myself accounted here is helping as well!

Can we do it?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Foul Plot Afoot

My students have been plotting against me. They have been determined to undermine everything I have been working for. They aren't listening and believe they have the run of the classroom. They are determined to make me eat so much food I will never stop and I will just get bigger and bigger and bigger. Instead of driving me to drink, they are driving me to eat. Cover up the frustration with some crackers, or hershey's kisses or chips. To the tune of about 7 lbs in the last couple of weeks. I don't belong here. Where's the progress? Where's the determination? Where's the work? Where's the skinny girl? Where's the desire to actually do what I need to do to succeed with all those others out there who are doing it? I don't belong here. I've failed this attempt.

Upon closer inspection of course, we realize it's not the student's fault their teacher has gone on a seefood diet the last couple of weeks. It's her own fault. She was allowing her frustration to take the better of her and her students to get the upper hand while she's going through some tough times. She's the one putting off going to the center to sign up so she can use the fitness center to walk now that it's too dark to walk when she gets home. She's the one that keeps shoveling food into her mouth. She's the one that has decided to get back to basics with her kids, and also with her health plan.

I feel like a broken record...good weeks, bad weeks, starting again, falling behind and picking up again. I didn't even know who to turn to this time. They've all heard it before. I've heard it before...over and over and over. I'm sick of it, as I'm sure they are. Turns out I didn't need to look further than my email. An article from Spark People to get myself back to where I need to look to get back on track. And if you think about it, it's not really starting over, just a reminder of where I am, where I want to go and what it's going to take to get there.

I want announce it here, and keep myself accountable. My goal: lose 10 lbs for Christmas. Approx 5 weeks away, puts me at about 2 lbs a week. It's SMART: Specific, Measurable, Action-based, Realistic and Time-Oriented.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What the matter with kids today?

In general, they just aren't listening!

The past week or so has been a true lesson in my patience. As a kindergarten teacher, I try very hard to keep my temper even, soft voice, etc. I don't succeed 100% of the time, but I try and pray hard to keep my patience.

I would think they were plotting against me, but I've talked to other teachers and they are having the same problems. Tell them once, they don't pay attention. Tell them twice, no reaction. Third time is the loudest and finally the light goes on and they realize that "Oh, I need to be doing something" or "the teacher actually means business". Honestly, I don't know how to change this. I am tired of repeating myself. For example, we were sitting at the table and it was time to go to the rug and do some stuff over there. So I say, in a regular voice 'Please push in your chairs and go over to the rug" 3 of out of my 4 boys went to line up at the door!! I just looked at them for a moment because I was too shocked to even say anything! finally, I said' well, I'm glad that at least one person was listening to me". Then the rest scrambled over to the rug.

Honestly, I"m not speaking in a foreign language here! I didn't even us big words! How much other gunk in their heads to I have to get through before they start hearing me? We didn't start school this way, they were doing great! the last couple of weeks though...all downhill. I'm working on some behavior mods and different ways to do things, so maybe we'll get some real results next week...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Staying the same

Stress and family issues. Who doesn't have them? I am happy to say that with everything going on, I stayed the same. I got more walking in and have been getting more water in. As you can see i also got a couple of Burger King meals in as well. Because of the time change, I don't get home in time to walk before it gets dark, so I'm looking to join the local park district that has a fitness center in it. But the cycle of so much going on at home, I haven't been over there yet. Hopefully after parent teacher conferences this week, it will calm down at home too and I can get over there.

Friday, November 2, 2007

new leaf turned

This week has been great! Mon, Tues, and Thurs I walked 3 miles! 9 miles for the week so far! I don't know if I'll get walking in tonight, but will walk tomorrow for sure! The food for the week hasn't been the best, but I've been getting lots of water in!

I finally remembered to step on the scale this morning and it read 252! My plan for this month is walk, walk and more walking! My three goals this month is to get back to basics and get going! More water, more walking, and concentrate on portion control! So far, 2 out of the 3 have been going well :)