Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A New Challenge

I guess that since school hasn't started yet, this has been mostly about me, but that's ok. I have been dealing with weight for as long as I can remember. In November of last year, I started doing Jenny Craig and as of a week and a half ago, lost 21.1 lbs. It seems I go up, I go down, but overall, I'm still going down and so I keep fighting. Will it ever get easy?

Even though I get on again, off again with the food, I haven't yet been able to really get on with the exercise. I may start and go a week or two...but then it flickers off for several (or 6) months and I don't do anything. I'm not really sure why, but I want to change that. I have started a challenge for myself to start walking every day for 30 min. I did it last night for the first time in a long time, and I did about a mile. Walking is nothing new, and it's not that tiring although it was a bit slow, but it's just a matter of getting my butt out the door every day to do it. I probably could have done more, but it's a start and that is my challenge to myself...30 min every day (or at least 4-5 times).

So, if you are up to it, I challenge you to do something new to create a healthier you. Maybe you don't eat enough veggies and want to add a serving every day (4-5 times a week is the goal), or you want to drink more water, or exercise, or get rid of chips or whatever it is...for the next month. You can tell me, you can not tell me, whatever you like, but I challenge you to change something about your lifestyle for at least the next month (hopefully longer!!).

1 comment:

More Than A Single Mom said...

I am actually doing something like this too! For the last three days I've ridden my bike twice around our BIG street in the neighborhood (about 2 miles). It's great to see what everyone else in the neightborhood is doing at 8:00 pm....