Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Friday! (and my birthday!)

Teachers, as well as students, LOVE Friday! Now, I won't speak for them all...but I know I love it! I love my job and I love my kids, but there's something about Friday that is just fun! Today is extra special because it is also my 29th birthday! I've received many well wishes already and it has really boosted my week! I have had a horrid week with stress, disorganization and binging and I am so glad that it is almost over. I want to put it behind me and never think on it again!

The best part is that I think I have finally snapped the binging streak. I ate so horrid yesterday, I can't even believe it. But I heard something this morning on Oprah that I am going to commit to memory, for the next time a binge attacks. It was from a woman who had struggled with weight for years and has a book out, not about losing weight, but how to stay there when you get there. And she said something...simple, but I was never able to put it into these words before to help me out (and this isn't an exact quote because my memory sucks):

You don't get fat from one binge. You get fat for what you do after..generally starving yourself because you ate too much earlier so that in a couple hours, you're ready to binge again. (and the cycles continues) Once you have a binge, put it behind you as if it never happened and have your next meal as you would normally have it (not binging or starving yourself) and move on.

Like so many other people, once I binge...that's it. I feel horrible and so to punish myself further, instead of starving myself, I go for the next one because I know it's damaging my body, I want to hurt myself further....which is what I have been doing to myself all week. What helped me snap out of it was a friend. Someone I don't talk to often, but if I have a problem, he's always there to back me up and encourage me and he told me that whenever I have a problem this week, he would help me. One of my texts to him yesterday was about needing to stop the stupidity. That word, stupidity, finally put it in perspective for my binge cravings were just that...stupidity.'s understandable. But I've been punishing myself alll week! Every day! And that, to do that to myself over and over...was just stupidity. I've lost 21 lbs now on JC and I have come a long way, and doing this to myself now was just stupid. And I realize that, and I think I have snapped out of it and I can go back to being normal and learning to do things in healthier ways again.

Wow..this was a long one...but it's been a long week....and to anyone else sharing a birthday with me today....Happy Birthday! :)


Sheryl said...

Well, Happy Birthday!!! I hope you allow yourself some birthday cake!

I am trying to loose my baby weight. I've noticed that when I'm having a tough day, I start to eat one piece of Dove Chocolate candy. Before I know it, I look down to see 5 or 6 empty wrappers. That can't be good for my butt! ;)

Simplymoi said...

thanks sheryl! I'm still kinda new to this blog site...I don't know if I should leave a comment on here or on your site?

and best friend is making a cake for me tonight and I plan on having just a little slice! :) Who can turn down anything with chocolate frosting? ;)

Crooked Eyebrow said...

Happy belated birthday!

I tagged you on my blog for a meme! Welcome to the blogging world!