Wednesday, November 21, 2007

it's working!

but it still needs some more effort on my part!

I stepped on the scale and went down a pound! I know that I can do better! My water has been great! I've been drinking so much, it feels good! My portion control needs to be better, and I need to walk!! See my post below to see my new plan and my goals for the next month.

I am actually glad to have a goal. For the longest time, I was so scared to make a real goal for myself, and I'm not sure why. But now that I have this goal, whenever I am tempted, I remember that I want to make my goal and it's a great help! It helped me choose a kids meal at BK with juice instead of 2 cheeseburgers and large fries! And it helped me stay away from more snacks when I had already eaten my snack. Keeping myself accounted here is helping as well!

Can we do it?

1 comment:

More Than A Single Mom said...

Good. I am glad to see you are doing better. Keep it up T. Just remember the Engine That Could........He never gave up and neither should you.