Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Good times with the bad

I was browsing an old friend's blog and came across a blog titled "Why I love Church Work
and asked the question (paraphrased) Do I only love it when things are good?

We are going through a tough time here at my church and school. Money problems that may cause our school to close very soon if we can't find a way to turn things around. To compound that, there are some people in our church who do not like the fact that there is a school here to support and resent it. They even go so far as to question "what does the school do for us?"

Very frustrating. And it gets my feather's ruffled to say the least.

Without the school, the church would have no treasurer or secretary on the church council. It wouldn't have a stewardship board, not much of a trustee board and no one to mow the lawn for free or shovel snow. We are small staff of 5 teachers, but every single one of us serves in some way other than teaching children for 8 hours every day.

I love my job. I can't imagine doing anything else. I can't always support my church monetarily as I would like, but I serve with my time as much as I can. Attitudes like I've been hearing lately really test me. How can you belong to a church and serve Christ with an attitude like that? I realize my attitude isn't all the best right now either. It definitely won't help the situation. But I'm very frustrated right now


Anonymous said...

I feel for your struggle.

Mature Christians rarely ask, "for us" questions. They are always asking "for them" questions. Like "What can we do for them?" or like, "What can our school (we) do for our community (them)?"

In my personal Church experience I've found maturity a rare thing.

The calling of a mature Christian is to not only love sinners and lost people who need Jesus, but also to love immature Christians who need Jesus.

If the "them" is "immature Christians."

What can we do for them?

Simplymoi said...

In this particular case, I am hoping that by showing them we (teachers and supporters of the school) are willing to do even more for our church...they will get the message. Lead by example? Is that enough to cut through attitude of people set in their ways?