Monday, November 26, 2007


I kinda got into a funk this weekend..feeling sorry for myself and stuff, and I just got fed up with it. I was in the middle of the grocery store and finally told myself to just "cut the crap". LOL Sounds funny, but helped me to snap out of it.

I am sick and tired of feeling guilty. I don't understand why I should feel bad for the choices I make when I eat. Food is an enjoyable thing! We live in a time and place where we have a plethora of choices and most of them taste DE-licious! I don't see why I have to feel so bad and guilty and horrible for the food I decide to put into my mouth! The majority of people in this world do not torture themselves like this, why should I?

It all comes down to choices. What to eat and how much of it, so that we can keep things in balance (or people like me who are trying to lose unwanted weight) What I want to start doing this week, is not rationalize or blow off the bad choices I make, but to find a way to give me a boost to make better choices and be happy with the choices I make and why I'm making them. It's called behavior modification. I use it on my students. Basically using positive reinforcements to change certain behaviors, rather than negative ones. I have behaviors/feelings/emotions in my head that desperately need to be changed.

Last night, I wrote down sort of an affirmation prayer, or statement if you aren't into prayer. I layed it all out on paper and I will read it each and every morning when I get up and every evening before I go to sleep If you want to know what I wrote, keep reading. It is pretty personal, but I wanted to share:

"I am a beautiful person. It doesn't matter what I look like on the outside.

I am on a journey. A journey to become a healthier person. I can do it! I can overcome obstacles. I can resist. I can say no when everything is screaming YES! Or when emotions get in the way.

I can do it

I am on a journey. I know that God is watching out for me. When the time is right, I will have the man who is meant for me. He will be all that God has planned

I can do this. I know God is watching out for me. he will take care of me.

I know that I can change these negative feelings I have. I am not a victim. I do not need to feel sorry for myself. I am strong. I do not need a boyfriend to keep me happy. My time will come - right now, it is time to prepare. "

As you can tell, I've also been dealing with feelings of being single and other feelings. I'm sure this statement will change over time if I need to deal with other issues as well.

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