Monday, October 22, 2007

5 Interesting things about me I'm posting 2 in one day...sue me. Jen tagged me on Friday, but I was in such a bad mood, I honestly couldn't think of 5 things. Still not sure I can...but here goes:

1......I love to play volleyball. I started playing in high school and I absolutely love it. I would play every day if I could. It's one sport I'm actually kinda good at. I now coach middle school volleyball and we are having a blast!

2.....I am on a CD. A real CD! When I was in college I played handbells with the Alleluia Ringers, a touring handbell group. We also recorded several CDs while I was a part of the group. I would have stayed in college indefinitely if I could keep playing handbells.

3.....In 2006 I walked the 3 day walk for Breast Cancer. I didn't prepare for it nearly as much as I should have, and in the end, being at least 100+ lbs overweight, I finished about 42 of the 60 miles! I was extremely happy about that! It was one of the most incredible and moving experiences I have ever been through and for a wonderful cause.

4.....I can say thank you in 8 different languages: English, American Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian and Japanese. No matter where I am, I can always be polite! lol Maybe not in the interesting category, but

5.....I collect Japanese tea cups. I don't have many, they are not easy to find. Mostly going to thrift stores, etc I find them. So, if anyone knows a good place to get them...let me know!

1 comment:

More Than A Single Mom said...

T---- I never knew you were on a CD......see, there are things to learn about each other!