Thursday, August 28, 2008


So it's been a while. I started a new blog and thought I didn't really want to keep this one, yet I didn't get rid of it and I stopped here today and decided to keep it and keep up the blogging.

School has started this week. We are facing our toughest year yet (as a school). We are down to about 34 students in the school (PreK-8) This is not good. I am looking forward to my class this year, but definitely presents some challenges. I have 5 kids total right now. 3 prekindergarten and 2 kindergarten. This means that most of the time, i will only have the 2 K's (both girls). They seem to get along, and they are darling girls! We are going to have fun, but definately it's own challenges from having only 2 of them. I just know the day is going to come when they are both sick and I won't have anyone in class!

I am also starting to incorporate learning centers into my daily routine. I'm so unsure of how this is going to go, but excited to see what I can come up with to give these girls a great year in Kindergarten and PreKindergarten!