Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Weigh In

Ok, so I weighed in this morning on my mom's scale. It's different from the last scale I used, but I'm not surprised by the results. 254. Up a little from my original weigh in last week. I had some activity in (yay) but some not too good food and bad portion control. It seems when its time to eat, rational thoughts go out the window sometimes. *sigh* For Halloween, I'm going to buy a costume in the size I am just starting to fit into. Not sure if it'll fit well or not, but if I get it, then I have something to work towards so that it'll fit good for Halloween.


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Hang in there. For many of us, writing down everything we eat can help deter some bad choices.
Path to Health

Southern Girl said...

Sorry you had a gain this time. Take it one meal at a time and if you can't make good choices for everything you eat for that meal, at least try to do it for half the food. And I'm with Mama Bear June -- writing down what I'm eating helps a lot.

Try to do some work with weights, too -- just a set of five pound hand weights would be good enough. It helps burn calories!

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

I had a gain this week, too. It is amazing how you can have the best intentions but somehow when I get to the drive-thru "Grilled Chicken Salad" becomes "Double Cheeseburger w/ Fries"...

Hang in there and good luck this week!