Monday, September 24, 2007

Bitter-sweet weekend

My weekend really flew by! Some of it was good, some of it was bad/scary.

Friday night...we had a bit of a scare with my dad. He was drifting in and out of consciousness in the middle of conversations. he said it didn't feel like is wondering if he was going unconscious. He's been sick a very long time, but the last month has been the worst. He's only been out of bed twice since before Labor day weekend, and he can't even really sit up anymore, he just gets so out of breath, he can't do it.

Saturday old church started a bowling league every other saturday night and it started this weekend. What a blast! We had so much fun! I didn't bowl very well, but I had fun anyway! (with the help of friends, beer and goldschlager!)

Sunday was busy with family visiting! My grandma is in town so my uncle and his girlfriend, my cousin Jen and her daughter came over for Aurelio's pizza! After they left, my mom's cousin also came over for awhile even though we were pooped, it was good to see her as well!

The week is going to busy with another busy weekend ahead already! Our first volleyball game and my church is having a Fall Festival! Busy, busy, busy....makes the time go by too quickly.

1 comment:

More Than A Single Mom said...

It was great seeing you Sunday. Don't forge to add "tales from the scales" to your blog friend list. OH and go to "Crooked Eyebrow" on my friends list...sign up with her...we are doing a Bloggy Meet up 10/6 at Abuela's in Merrillville. Come and meet everyone so you can get bloggy friends!